Using the APIs

Developing applications against the Subversion library APIs is fairly straightforward. All of the public header files live in the subversion/include directory of the source tree. These headers are copied into your system locations when you build and install Subversion itself from source. These headers represent the entirety of the functions and types meant to be accessible by users of the Subversion libraries.

The first thing you might notice is that Subversion's datatypes and functions are namespace protected. Every public Subversion symbol name begins with svn_, followed by a short code for the library in which the symbol is defined (such as wc, client, fs, etc.), followed by a single underscore (_) and then the rest of the symbol name. Semi-public functions (used among source files of a given library but not by code outside that library, and found inside the library directories themselves) differ from this naming scheme in that instead of a single underscore after the library code, they use a double underscore (__). Functions that are private to a given source file have no special prefixing, and are declared static. Of course, a compiler isn't interested in these naming conventions, but they help to clarify the scope of a given function or datatype.

The Apache Portable Runtime Library

Along with Subversion's own datatype, you will see many references to datatypes that begin with apr_—symbols from the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library. APR is Apache's portability library, originally carved out of its server code as an attempt to separate the OS-specific bits from the OS-independent portions of the code. The result was a library that provides a generic API for performing operations that differ mildly—or wildly—from OS to OS. While the Apache HTTP Server was obviously the first user of the APR library, the Subversion developers immediately recognized the value of using APR as well. This means that there are practically no OS-specific code portions in Subversion itself. Also, it means that the Subversion client compiles and runs anywhere that the server does. Currently this list includes all flavors of Unix, Win32, BeOS, OS/2, and Mac OS X.

In addition to providing consistent implementations of system calls that differ across operating systems, [35] APR gives Subversion immediate access to many custom datatypes, such as dynamic arrays and hash tables. Subversion uses these types extensively throughout the codebase. But perhaps the most pervasive APR datatype, found in nearly every Subversion API prototype, is the apr_pool_t—the APR memory pool. Subversion uses pools internally for all its memory allocation needs (unless an external library requires a different memory management schema for data passed through its API), [36] and while a person coding against the Subversion APIs is not required to do the same, they are required to provide pools to the API functions that need them. This means that users of the Subversion API must also link against APR, must call apr_initialize() to initialize the APR subsystem, and then must acquire a pool for use with Subversion API calls. See the section called “Programming with Memory Pools” for more information.

URL and Path Requirements

With remote version control operation as the whole point of Subversion's existence, it makes sense that some attention has been paid to internationalization (i18n) support. After all, while “remote” might mean “across the office”, it could just as well mean “across the globe.” To facilitate this, all of Subversion's public interfaces that accept path arguments expect those paths to be canonicalized, and encoded in UTF-8. This means, for example, that any new client binary that drives the libsvn_client interface needs to first convert paths from the locale-specific encoding to UTF-8 before passing those paths to the Subversion libraries, and then re-convert any resultant output paths from Subversion back into the locale's encoding before using those paths for non-Subversion purposes. Fortunately, Subversion provides a suite of functions (see subversion/include/svn_utf.h) that can be used by any program to do these conversions.

Also, Subversion APIs require all URL parameters to be properly URI-encoded. So, instead of passing file:///home/username/My File.txt as the URL of a file named My File.txt, you need to pass file:///home/username/My%20File.txt. Again, Subversion supplies helper functions that your application can use—svn_path_uri_encode and svn_path_uri_decode, for URI encoding and decoding, respectively.

Using Languages Other than C and C++

If you are interested in using the Subversion libraries in conjunction with something other than a C program—say a Python script or Java application—Subversion has some initial support for this via the Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG). The SWIG bindings for Subversion are located in subversion/bindings/swig and are slowly maturing into a usable state. These bindings allow you to call Subversion API functions indirectly, using wrappers that translate the datatypes native to your scripting language into the datatypes needed by Subversion's C libraries.

There is an obvious benefit to accessing the Subversion APIs via a language binding—simplicity. Generally speaking, languages such as Python and Perl are much more flexible and easy to use than C or C++. The sort of high-level datatypes and context-driven type checking provided by these languages are often better at handling information that comes from users. As you know, humans are proficient at botching up input to a program, and scripting languages tend to handle that misinformation more gracefully. Of course, often that flexibility comes at the cost of performance. That is why using a tightly-optimized, C-based interface and library suite, combined with a powerful, flexible binding language, is so appealing.

Let's look at an example that uses Subversion's Python SWIG bindings. Our example will do the same thing as our last example. Note the difference in size and complexity of the function this time!

Example 8.2. Using the Repository Layer with Python

from svn import fs
import os.path

def crawl_filesystem_dir (root, directory, pool):
  """Recursively crawl DIRECTORY under ROOT in the filesystem, and return
  a list of all the paths at or below DIRECTORY.  Use POOL for all 

  # Get the directory entries for DIRECTORY.
  entries = fs.dir_entries(root, directory, pool)

  # Initialize our returned list with the directory path itself.
  paths = [directory]

  # Loop over the entries
  names = entries.keys()
  for name in names:
    # Calculate the entry's full path.
    full_path = os.path.join(basepath, name)

    # If the entry is a directory, recurse.  The recursion will return
    # a list with the entry and all its children, which we will add to
    # our running list of paths.
    if fs.is_dir(fsroot, full_path, pool):
      subpaths = crawl_filesystem_dir(root, full_path, pool)

    # Else, it is a file, so add the entry's full path to the FILES list.

  return paths

An implementation in C of the previous example would stretch on quite a bit longer. The same routine in C would need to pay close attention to memory usage, and need to use custom datatypes for representing the hash of entries and the list of paths. Python has hashes (called “dictionaries”) and lists as built-in datatypes, and provides a wonderful selection of methods for operating on those types. And since Python uses reference counting and garbage collection, users of the language don't have to bother themselves with allocating and freeing memory.

In the previous section of this chapter, we mentioned the libsvn_client interface, and how it exists for the sole purpose of simplifying the process of writing a Subversion client. The following is a brief example of how that library can be accessed via the SWIG bindings. In just a few lines of Python, you can check out a fully functional Subversion working copy!

Example 8.3. A Simple Script to Check Out a Working Copy.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from svn import util, _util, _client

def usage():
  print "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " URL PATH\n"

def run(url, path):
  # Initialize APR and get a POOL.
  pool = util.svn_pool_create(None)

  # Checkout the HEAD of URL into PATH (silently)
  _client.svn_client_checkout(None, None, url, path, -1, 1, None, pool)

  # Cleanup our POOL, and shut down APR.

if __name__ == '__main__':
  if len(sys.argv) != 3:
  run(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])

Subversion's language bindings unfortunately tend to lack the level of attention given to the core Subversion modules. However, there have been significant efforts towards creating functional bindings for Python, Perl, and Java. Once you have the SWIG interface files properly configured, generation of the specific wrappers for all the supported SWIG languages (which currently includes versions of C#, Guile, Java, MzScheme, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Tcl) should theoretically be trivial. Still, some extra programming is required to compensate for complex APIs that SWIG needs some help generalizing. For more information on SWIG itself, see the project's website at

[35] Subversion uses ANSI system calls and datatypes as much as possible.

[36] Neon and Berkeley DB are examples of such libraries.